

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What Day Is It?

It's Sunday evening and I'm a vegetable.
All this week we've had class visits tot he library from the elementary school. This is an annual event that we do while the school does inventory. It reminds the kids about the public library, gets them looking for their cards (all students get a free membership) and we get a chance to plug the summer reading program.
If that wasn't enough it's been raining. Not your everyday rain shower, but 30 hours of downpours. At one point on Saturday in the library every computer was being used, every chair was full, there were kids on the floor reading picture books and seniors browsing the stacks. I had no idea we could get that many people in our temporary location.
Today started with the usual family calls and chores. This afternoon we had our 18 month old niece for several hours. You forget how busy little kids can be.
Now I'm sitting down with my feet up and I really don't want to move. Unfortunately I have 2 book club books to read in the next few weeks and they are both long ones, Tigana for Sword and Laser and Kushiel's Dart for Vaginal Fantasy . I'm not sure why I thought 2 book clubs would be a good idea.
Tea might be the first thing I do.
What day is tomorrow?

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