

Friday, June 19, 2015

Getting Old

Getting older is the correct term. Each decade comes with it's own challenges. Some are great, some not so great. Right now my allergies are changing yet again, broadening so I'm finding it harder to eat certain things. My grass allergy has broadened to include many grass grains which means not only wheat but rice and oats too. :-(  Add in me allergy to apples, which is used as a natural sweetener, thickener and binder, and prepared food has become a minefield.
And the arthritis has spread. I'll be the first to admit I have been luck. I have had arthritis since I was a kid but I could always deal with it. Now it has gotten into my spine and that is making life a bit challenging. I sit quite a bit for work and man can that hurt after a while. With my desk under a slanted wall I can't install a standing desk but I have hopes for my next office.
Sleep has also become an elusive target. I find myself waking frequently through the night. Most of the time I can get back to sleep easily but on those days I can't...tea is my friend. Good thing I don't operate heavy machinery.
 Yeah getting older stinks in many ways. However I wouldn't want to relive my youth either.

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