

Monday, June 29, 2015


Our eldest is home for the week. Already he is planning a large BBQ out at the lake. It started as my idea but has spiralled out of control. We'll see what really happens. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

So Hot

So we're experiencing a plus 30C few days and I'm ready for it to be over. We close up the house about 8am. This might seem a little early but our orientation is such that the sun comes up on one side of the house, rises over the back end and spends the rest of our long day baking the other side of the house. Once the sun goes behind the hills we can open up, hoping for a breeze to cool the house off. Today outside reached 35C. Inside reached 28C. The house does stay comfortably cool until late afternoon when the overwhelming power of the sun gets the better of it and we heat up. 
I could probably have done okay but add in hot flashes and I'm surprised I haven't suffered heat stroke. 
The forecast is for rain over the next few days. We'll see if that really happens.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Last meeting before Canada Day was today. Several of the Party in the Park participants did a walk through of the park, working out the placement of the various activities, porta-potties etc. I have a better picture of how we'll set up now. 
Several security and health care questions came up today. I need to make sure I have a few first aides among my volunteers. 
Guess we'll see how things go.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015




Friday, June 19, 2015

Getting Old

Getting older is the correct term. Each decade comes with it's own challenges. Some are great, some not so great. Right now my allergies are changing yet again, broadening so I'm finding it harder to eat certain things. My grass allergy has broadened to include many grass grains which means not only wheat but rice and oats too. :-(  Add in me allergy to apples, which is used as a natural sweetener, thickener and binder, and prepared food has become a minefield.
And the arthritis has spread. I'll be the first to admit I have been luck. I have had arthritis since I was a kid but I could always deal with it. Now it has gotten into my spine and that is making life a bit challenging. I sit quite a bit for work and man can that hurt after a while. With my desk under a slanted wall I can't install a standing desk but I have hopes for my next office.
Sleep has also become an elusive target. I find myself waking frequently through the night. Most of the time I can get back to sleep easily but on those days I can't...tea is my friend. Good thing I don't operate heavy machinery.
 Yeah getting older stinks in many ways. However I wouldn't want to relive my youth either.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Video Games

My dad is a child of the depression. Which means nothing ever got thrown out until it could no longer by fixed or became too expensive to operate. Due to this my brother and I had Black and white TVs in our rooms long before that was a thing. Of course this was also during the time before cable reached our town so we had 2 local stations, 3 late at night. 
One day dad brought home a Pong game and gave to my brother. Pong was one of the first mass produced game systems for the home. It included a console with two controllers. You could play single or against another person. Essentially you bounced a ball back and forth by controlling your paddle which was a line that could travel up and down in a straight line. The ball got faster and faster and you had to react to keep it from getting past you. I found it fascinating and could play for hours, occasionally talking my brother into playing against me. 
Given my interest you might think I would get into video game arcades. However our town never had one. The only games available were in bars so weren't available to me till much later. By then I had no interest. 
It wasn't until we got hubby and I got our first home PC that I returned to gaming. This was followed by my brother giving his Playstation 1 to my sons and my mother-in-law gave them her sons' old Nintendo gaming station. From then on we have remained a multi platform home. I still love games, preferring RPG games with a puzzle element and a strong story. Being the best is not important to me. I'm looking for an immersive experience that gives me an escape.
I just wish I had more time to game regularly. Now I game sporadically, gaming for hours when I do. At this time of year, with E3, I love to listen to the upcoming game announcements. Oh to play some of these games. The art work, the stories, it's storytelling and some of the stories they are telling are very cool. It calls back to an old style of storytelling that lets the audience influence where and how the story evolves. Today we get good art too.  
Games = stories at their core.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Canada Day

In our community Canada Day is huge. There are activities all day from 9am to 11:30pm when the fire works go off. When our kids were little we did everything, with a nap around dinner time so we could stay up late. ;-) For the last 10 years or so I've been responsible for the library's parade float. This year I decided to forgo the parade float and decided the library could organize the family/kids activities in the afternoon. Of course it now looks like only two of us will be available to work it. I have some volunteers but need several more. I'm going to have to reach out to my friends. In exchange I will purchase fundraisers, and all the other supportive things friends of the family do. The teens might require a bigger bribe, probably involving food. Hoping I can get away with slushed but have a feeling pizza might be required. 
Hope my friends don't disown me before this is over.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

What day is it?

This week has gotten completely away from me. Suddenly it's Saturday and I have gotten very little productive, personal stuff done. Tonight we have a Lions Club fundraiser then it will be home and hopefully sleeping in.
Cause sleep needs to happen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is the day done yet?

This week is full. Full of evening events and meeting. Full of class visits to the library. Full of planning for Canada Day, Summer Reading Club, teen programming... Full of tired. I'm going to bed. Have a good night 😴

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunny Day

We had a hot day today. Mainly sunny with a nice breeze which kept the bugs away. It wasn't a busy day but it was productive. Especially once hubby and the kid went to work :-D 
I've really noticed that I need a "day off" during the week. That rarely means no housework or errands get done, but it does mean I take some time to do the things I want to do, reading, playing a video game or puttering in the garden. That time gives me a chance to mentally recharge. Some of the "self-care" that mental health workers promote. Because it is true, you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of anything else.

Friday, June 5, 2015


I am a lacrosse fan. Not a rabid, know all the stats fan, but a dedicated fan none the less. Tonight I was able to watch my team play a nail biter of a game and win. This win makes them league champions for the first time in their history. I couldn't be happier for them.
Of course the downside is the season is now over and I'll have to wait until next year for more lacrosse.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Movie Night

Hubby and I went to see Mad Max: Fury Road tonight. Wow. Now I see what all the fuss was about. 
Having seen the other movies when they came out I was impressed with this one. It felt "real". You could see how this weird world could have come about from OUR world. 

Whether it is resonating with my generation because we grew up with Mad Max or because the story was so powerful, or perhaps a combination of the two, it was an amazing movie to watch. Even the teens in the theatre were silent as they watched. That doesn't happen very often.

I think this movie will stay with me for awhile. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Birthdays are important in this family. Not for the marking of age but as an excuse to get together. Tonight the immediate family and some close friends got together to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday. Instead of cooking we went out. It was s good change (no cooking, no cleaning). The year has been rough and we had not been celebrating these things. But it is important to take the opportunity to get together because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog June

(I vaguely remember hearing about blogjune from some Australian or New Zealand library people I was following Twitter several years ago. I was just getting started in social media and blogging at the time. It sounded like a way to get myself to write more especially online. I have never linked to the official movement but have used it as a personal challenge to write.

Being away from home put a kink in getting started yesterday however I've never expected perfection, just expected me to write more often than I did the year before.

So here is the boring start of the 2015 version of my self challenge to blog everyday in June. 

Let's see what we can do tomorrow 😎