

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I started this blog as a place to practice my writing skills, and to keep track of my random thoughts. It also provides me with a place to practice some rusty tech skills, like imbedding pictures, adding feeds etc. The things I haven't had to do for a while with the library's website.
I find it hard to believe that I've been writing here for 4 months now. I couldn't keep a written journal past a week when I was a kid, so something has changed. ( I was going to say changed for the better but I'm still in the evaluating stage :-) )
Yesterday I realized I may have a problem with my writing style. Every since I started using Twitter I've begun doing so many edits to get my meaning across in the allotted 140 characters that it's influencing everything else I write. My hubby has had to ask what I meant when I used twitter-speak in a bbm to him. It has become apparent that not only do I have to put thought into what I write, but also thought into the form that writing will take.
There is no way anyone can say that we are not a society of writers. Everything from tagging, tweeting, IM, texting, blogging and so on all require us to know how to impart information with words. We also have to internalize the formats for each method and any specialized vocabulary that goes with it.
I can honestly say I am a novice in many of the writing styles that modern life seems to be developing. And given the mishmash I have been producing, lots and lots of practice will be needed.

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