

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Away

This past weekend was great! Off to the big city we went.
I spent all day Friday at our regional library's conference. I was amazed at how much great information and practical tips I was able to get out of it. That evening I was able to spend 2 hours in a book store while hubby and eldest son went to the movies. The next day was spent shopping, with a late lunch/visit with my aunt (whom I do not see enough.) Everyone found what they were looking for, which is rarely the case. Since we don't get to the city very often power shopping is the name of the game. It can be rather startling when you add up the amount of money we spend on one of these trips. The grocery bill was huge of course, but we're stocked up for a while now.
As much as I enjoy these crazy trips I am sooo glad to get home. Although I wouldn't mind bringing one of those hotel mattresses home. :-)

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