

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I started this blog as a place to practice my writing skills, and to keep track of my random thoughts. It also provides me with a place to practice some rusty tech skills, like imbedding pictures, adding feeds etc. The things I haven't had to do for a while with the library's website.
I find it hard to believe that I've been writing here for 4 months now. I couldn't keep a written journal past a week when I was a kid, so something has changed. ( I was going to say changed for the better but I'm still in the evaluating stage :-) )
Yesterday I realized I may have a problem with my writing style. Every since I started using Twitter I've begun doing so many edits to get my meaning across in the allotted 140 characters that it's influencing everything else I write. My hubby has had to ask what I meant when I used twitter-speak in a bbm to him. It has become apparent that not only do I have to put thought into what I write, but also thought into the form that writing will take.
There is no way anyone can say that we are not a society of writers. Everything from tagging, tweeting, IM, texting, blogging and so on all require us to know how to impart information with words. We also have to internalize the formats for each method and any specialized vocabulary that goes with it.
I can honestly say I am a novice in many of the writing styles that modern life seems to be developing. And given the mishmash I have been producing, lots and lots of practice will be needed.

What I'm listening to today

This Book is Overdue by Marilyn Johnson. It's been a while since I've listened to an audio book and this one has been waiting for me for a while. I'm currently on chapter 5 and enjoying it every much. Marilyn makes reference to so many of the American librarians I follow either by RSS feed or on Twitter. I can't wait to finish it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What are you watching?

The new fall TV season is underway and I've had a rather startling revelation. We don't watch tv on the tv. It turns out our watching has gradually shifted to the computer. We do watch shows on the tv but it often happens because there are several of us watching the same thing, or it's a special. With hubby's erratic work schedule he is continuously trying to catch up with his shows on the internet. He does not like to miss an episode, because things can get confused. The kids don't even watch tv anymore, unless our reactions draw their attention. They spend time watching anime from out of country, or Youtube videos. All of us have also begun watching web only series. Even our news watching has transferred to the computer.
I can see this migration continuing, although it might be a while before hubby and I are watching things on our smart phones. Our eyes aren't getting any younger and those screens are not that big.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time Away

This past weekend was great! Off to the big city we went.
I spent all day Friday at our regional library's conference. I was amazed at how much great information and practical tips I was able to get out of it. That evening I was able to spend 2 hours in a book store while hubby and eldest son went to the movies. The next day was spent shopping, with a late lunch/visit with my aunt (whom I do not see enough.) Everyone found what they were looking for, which is rarely the case. Since we don't get to the city very often power shopping is the name of the game. It can be rather startling when you add up the amount of money we spend on one of these trips. The grocery bill was huge of course, but we're stocked up for a while now.
As much as I enjoy these crazy trips I am sooo glad to get home. Although I wouldn't mind bringing one of those hotel mattresses home. :-)

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Expendables

Hubby and I had a date night last night. We went to see The Expendables with Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li and many other familiar faces. Was it cheesy, yep. Was it fun, yep. Was it a flash back to the action films of the 80's & 90's, yep yep.  Stallone knows the older action audience and he gave them what they wanted. Less CGI and more down and dirty. I'm sure we'll be buying this when it comes out because it will make a great movie night at home movie.


School has started and youngest son is finally set to tackle grade 12. Already I can see where he's going to have to work hard just to get by. He's going to have to get used to putting in many more hours on school work if he wants to be finished in time to qualify to graduate with the class at the local high school.

Eldest son is gradually changing his awake/sleep routine so he is up longer during the day. This is in preparation for the upcoming ski season. He'll need to start getting into better physical condition too if he doesn't want to suffer too many injuries.

Hubby is working hard as usual. Bouncing back and forth from a scheduled job is throwing us all for a loop. I think he is looking forward to a break, just to get some uninterrupted sleep.

As for me it's been training, training and more training lately. I have 4 OverDrive training sessions this month for work. The service allows our local library members to download audio and e books. It's a great service, just a bit clunky in the operation. We've also had some training on the new website platform. I'm almost set to make the website live, just a few more tweeks, depending on what the staff and board say. I have some longer projects for stuff to add but it can wait till after we go live. Story times are starting and I've got to organize my own as well as make sure the others have everything they need.
I've partnered with Community Outreach to run a program at the library for teens. We'll be doing live readings once a week during the lunch hour. The teens bring their lunch and listen and relax while I read. I'm hoping to have a small but dedicated crowd for this one.
I'm looking forward to the YRL conference this week. It will be the first I've attended so I'm hoping to get something out of it.

Every time I look at my calendar there seem to be more things coming up. But it all goes to making things easier down the road. We just have to keep moving.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

I'm been very productive today, laundry, dishes, gardening, even cleaned my garden tools. Now I'm sitting at the kitchen table listening to Radio Riel and feeling like a dinosaur. Which doesn't really make sense. Maybe it's more a sense of "am I the only one?" I blog (obviously, all sarcasm intended), use Twitter, Flickr, Second Life, EMAIL even. I've been working on building a PLN (personal learning network) because life long learning was how I was raised.
Yet... my parents don't have a computer, my brother barely checks email, even the extended family is just scratching the surface of online life. My sister-in-law is more connected, although it is more limited to consumption rather than creation (mobility issues hamper typing etc.) The in-laws are online more, but also more as consumers than creators. The majority of my friends are the same.
Am I going to have to bite the bullet? Am I actually going to have to join Facebook just to keep in touch with my own family and friends? I think I'd rather keep using the phone.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It may not be fall on the calendar but with the start of September, fall is in the air.

This week we've been working out the kinks in youngest son's school schedule. I'll have to go in today and finish paperwork. With a combination of in school classes and distance learning I'm hoping we can work with his need for a consistent schedule and for more time to get things done. Having a moderate reading comprehension problem means having to read and reread things, discuss and discuss again what things mean and what is being asked. It can be very frustrating for him. Reading things out loud helps but he feels this is for 'babies'. We'll be doing it any way. :-/

I've also been working on upcoming programs for kids and teens. Story times will start resuming mid September. The Teen Outreach Worker and I have decided to try some teen programming at lunchtime and after school. The teens around here are busy with sports, clubs, work and family. Trying to connect with them means going to where they are. So we're going to try a weekly read during their lunch break. The school doesn't allow the kids to eat lunch there so many of them go to the Activity Centre and eat from the concession, or bring their lunches and use the big tables. The place is currently being renovated but we are hopeful that we can find a corner to use. They will be able to pick the book I'll read to them, then it will be 1 or 2 chapters each week. The after school program we're thinking of will focus on food (teens are always hungry after school.) We went with after school to try and catch them before they get busy with activities or work. We're hoping to find a spot in the school (home ec room maybe?) were the kids can come, make a snack (nutrition learning), play some games, and just hang out for a while. This will also be once a week to avoid too much conflict with other activities and take up less time for us. I'll be doing this as a volunteer because my work schedule doesn't fit the time slots we're dealing with.

I also have a bunch of tech training to do for Overdrive and for the new website, a conference to attend, a shopping trip to the city to plan and a visit to my aunt to schedule (she is the busiest woman on the planet ;-) ). By then fall will really be here and it will be getting ready for winter time - gardening, home maintenance, Christmas, etc. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

Perhaps it really is fall?