

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Second Life

I have been involved in Second Life for over 3 years. I've come and gone several times. I seen some amazing and downright odd things. I've experienced some fantastic events and met some fabulous people. It  has reconnected me to my geek within. :-) It has allowed me to discuss things with giants in the fields of libraries, education and science. And to talk  with everyday people like me, who are exploring the online world and formulating our own ideas on where the technology is taking us.

Things change fast is 3 years. SL has gone from the bleeding edge, to middle of the road. If it weren't for the need for demanding computer capabilities it might have seen broader use. But the 'idea' has spawned many imitators and all together, these virtual worlds have seen tremendous curiosity from a wide variety of people.

Humans are creators by nature. We are always looking for reasons and opportunities to create. Whether it's cookies, a script or a space ship, we create. SL and it's imitators allow more of us opportunities to 'play' with our creating, to try, to succeed and to fail. And to try again or move on to something else. Playing is not something we get to do too much of once we're adults, so it's nice to have a spot to play and rejuvenate our creative abilities.

Yesterday it was announced that the Teen Grid, the Second Life for ages 13 to 17, would be closing. The 16 and 17 year olds will be moved onto the adult grid. Other details, like when this will take place and what will happen to inventory  and the younger set are not finalized yet. 

Maybe it's because I work with this age group in real life that I'm not as worried about it, in fact I'm looking forward to it. Having had the privilege of meeting and working with recent teen transfers from the Teen Grid I know their desire to DO and CREATE is enormous.The ones that make the transfer and STAY will be bringing their enthusiasm and creativity with them.

And then we'll all benefit.

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