

Monday, December 31, 2012

Approaching the New Year

There is something about this time of year that makes me look back.
As the saying goes "the more things change, the more things stay the same." The year has been filled with many small changes that have kept the same old, same old running smoothly. :-) Cause at this stage in my life I appreciate things running smoothly and not having huge changes to adapt to. Adapting to the many small life changes that getting older (both us and our family members) has brought us has been enough. Life has given us a temporary period of relative calm this year. Which means bigger changes are on the horizon of course. Changes that hover just over your shoulder, out of sight, waiting...
I can say with absolute certainty that it has been a good year for myself and my family. Thank you.

It is also time to look forward.
I could make a list of resolutions, goals etc. and I should, but right now my mind is focused on the less concrete "feels."
I hope my sons continue to work hard in their jobs, but I also hope that they find a passion, goal, focus (or multiple) to balance their lives. It could be post secondary education. It could be a re dedication to a sport/health. It could be a new relationship (romantic or otherwise). I hope they find something new to bring joy into their lives.
I hope that my husband and I can continue to grow our lives together, supporting each other as changes come our way. I hope that our family, extended family and friends have a year that brings them joy and that we can continue to support them as they face their own challenges.
I guess that is what it comes down to... I hope.

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