

Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Are In!

After a month of stress the library is finally in its temporary location. Like all moves we are now in the "where did ___ get put?" stage. As the first week ended we were getting used to how the space worked. Probably the hardest part for me has been the difference in how sound travels. In the old library sound travelled well. You could be on another floor and still hear someone come in. In the new space sound travels REALLY well from the arena (we're under the arena bleachers). However sound does NOT travel very within the space. You can literal be standing within a metre or two of someone & not be able to hear them. That along with some awkward site lines from our desk means we need to walk the space more frequently to talk to people & help as needed.
I suppose this will prepare us for the new space ... in 14 to 18 months. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Small Town Life

I had booked the week off before we found out that the library had to be moved the same week. I had asked for it off because hubby had the week off. He has to book his holidays in January. Since it's hard for hubby to change them, my coworkers told me to go ahead and take the time off.

The week was busy: a trip to Edmonton, purged the living room, moved library shelving (cause they needed a truck), attended 2 meetings and visited mother-in-law in the hospital (she's still there). I was feeling so guilty about not helping with the move I skipped my last day of vacation and went into work. Hubby was kind enough to help in the afternoon moving the last of the collection. Thanks honey!

Today everyone has been banned from working at the library. So hubby and I are doing chores around the house and planning for another trip to Edmonton. We'll be picking up eldest son and shopping for - youngest son, library and us. I think I'll do some updates to the library's website too. People aren't getting the message that we are CLOSED until Oct. 24. To add to the confusion the library's phone and internet are not working at the new location. It was set up, worked fine for a day or 2, then pooof, nothing. Of course it has already been cut off at the old place. Now we have to wait till Friday before someone can come out to fix the problem.

So off to the hospital to visit mother-in-law, walk the dog, and so on.

Monday, October 10, 2011


That's how I feel lately, stretched.

Supporting son as he tries to find a new path. Supporting hubby as he deals with some health issues & shared parenting concerns. Supporting my library's move into a smaller temporary location. Supporting mother-in-law as she deals with a severally broken ankle (surgery, followed by infection). Which leads to supporting father-in-law while she's in hospital.

At work on Friday we were talking about making sure we took care of ourselves during this transition. I'm really feeling the need to change my life style & my family's. If I want to improve our quality of life I'm going to have to ACTIVELY embrace change. I can't just hope it happens.

If I don't do something soon this support system isn't just going to stretch, it's going to break.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I need some...
Eldest son will be going east to visit relatives for a week then it's back to trying to find an affordable place in Calgary.
The library move has run into a few snags so we'll wait.
And my mother-in-law is in hospital waiting to have surgery on her broken ankle (three places).

If I'm really lucky our new shed will be up before it snows too.

It's going to be a loooong month.