

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Maybe the grey weather has something to do with it.
Maybe I'm just due for a break.
I'm feeling disconnected.

Haven't spoken to my best friend in weeks (she lives far away). When I did catch her at home she was just welcoming visitors so we couldn't talk.
My local friends are in a different place in their lives (new jobs, young children etc.) and we don't spend time together very often.
There is drama going on that is affecting work but no one tells me anything because they assume I'm hearing things from "the other side". Or they're making assumptions about my allegiances, which I don't have because I don't know what is going on. (nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who assumes you have the details when you don't even have the broad outline)
I have no idea what's happening with the library expansion, partially because I'm not often around when the boss is around. (Really makes me feel out of the loop)

My youngest son is making all these plans for grad, but I'm not sure he's going to get through the courses.

I have all these feelings sitting in a pit in my stomach but no way to deal with them. I need to get them out or at least find a way to deal with the stress.

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