

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Slow Pace

The Library Renovation and Expansion project is slowly moving ahead. We have conceptual drawings that have to go before the public for input. We have some things to go through with Parks and we'll have to go through the steps to get approval from FHBRO too. Then it can go back to council for final approval.
While this is going on we need to find a place for the library to relocate for the duration of the renovation and expansion. We know we'll have to store a lot of stuff. Once everything has been given the go ahead then we can panic, I mean plan. With a full inventory and weeding coming up we should have less to pack, store/move.
I'm going to have to do some serious thinning of my craft and programming stuff. The thought gives me a headache :-(
But in the end it will be short term pain for long term gain.
We can do this!


may not have sprung yet, or at least not here, but the days are getting longer and the air is warming up. The snow banks are going down too. All of this has helped improve my mood a lot.
Of course the seasonal changes are effecting the pets too. Our cat Dragon, has been displaying loads of energy lately. Of course his antics have resulted in a certain amount of  destruction. The poor dog can't relax for fear of the cat knocking stuff onto her. It reminds me of when they were young and they would chase each other around the house. I hope things settle soon before someone gets hurt.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Maybe the grey weather has something to do with it.
Maybe I'm just due for a break.
I'm feeling disconnected.

Haven't spoken to my best friend in weeks (she lives far away). When I did catch her at home she was just welcoming visitors so we couldn't talk.
My local friends are in a different place in their lives (new jobs, young children etc.) and we don't spend time together very often.
There is drama going on that is affecting work but no one tells me anything because they assume I'm hearing things from "the other side". Or they're making assumptions about my allegiances, which I don't have because I don't know what is going on. (nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who assumes you have the details when you don't even have the broad outline)
I have no idea what's happening with the library expansion, partially because I'm not often around when the boss is around. (Really makes me feel out of the loop)

My youngest son is making all these plans for grad, but I'm not sure he's going to get through the courses.

I have all these feelings sitting in a pit in my stomach but no way to deal with them. I need to get them out or at least find a way to deal with the stress.

Monday, March 14, 2011

To Overcome

Thoughts with the people of Japan, Libya and other areas of danger today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Want

...something. I've been filled with that naggy feeling lately that I've forgotten something and I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be me.

I know I've been feeling burnt out mentally. I know I haven't been getting enough sleep or exercise. I know there are some upcoming demands on my time that I will have to put all of my effort and focus into.

I miss spending time with people I can have deep conversations with, that aren't part of a familial or mentoring relationship. I miss quiet time. I miss being outside when things are growing (winter is really starting to drag at me).

I'm feeling old. My youngest son has just turned 18 years of age. My only niece has just turned 5 months. I have had several discussions with my friends about menopause this week alone!

I want... a hug, to have at least 1 belly laugh everyday, to have a daily quiet/alone time, to be able to relax and just be.