

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Need a Clone

Looking at the calendar, it dawned on me that we have been back from vacation for exactly 1 month.

It actually feels more like 4 months and at least a dozen grey hairs.

Busyness came from work:  the annual book sale, the Canada Day parade float that I didn't have to create (many thanks to Janeen and Cassidy) just find children for & ride in, interviewing/training summer staff, planning the summer reading programs for children, and gettting up to speed with TeenRC. Busyness also came from trying to get everything in place for Al to graduate with the local high school kids in June 2011 after 5 years of homeschooling! Topped with the usually busyness of life and I was going in 6 different directions at the same time.

But the end is in sight. The summer reading program has started and I have 2 fantastic helpers. The Garden Tour is the only event left and I don't do too much for that. Al is organized for school, although he'll do some work this summer to wrap up 2 homeschooling courses and get a jump on next year's stuff.  Now we can settle into the summer routine and hopefully relax.

Okay that might have to wait until after I get the dandelions under control. :-)

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