

Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Birthday

My birthday is tomorrow. If hubby gets home we'll go for dinner. We've invited another couple to join us, her birthday was last week. There is almost 20 years age difference between us yet we have so much in common. We've become "auntie" and "uncle" to their young daughter, even though she could be our granddaughter. 
The boys won't remember it's my birthday because hubby won't remember to remind them. I'm the one who reminds everyone else about birthdays. I don't think I should be expected to remind my family about MY birthday. I was shocked when my mother remembered this year. She forgot last year. Missed speaking to my brother this week (I phone once a week) I doubt he and sis-in-law will remember. They're in the middle of a big home renovation project. 
It's a "big one" this year. I'm not sure how I feel about it. My best friend and I had spoken last year about doing something together to celebrate. She's a week later than I. But a death in our family and an upcoming wedding in her's changed our priorities. So my birthday won't be a big celebration. We're not the big social couple that we used to be. 
In my heart I'd like hubby to do something special but he's not that type of person. If I wanted a party I'd have to do it myself and that just feels like work.  That and we can never predict when hubby will be home... 
I thought I'd spend some of the money my mother gave me on some new shoes. Unfortunately the one place was closed and the other was having a sale, which meant nothing in the size or style I wanted. Looked for a purse and couldn't find one the right size. I hate when you want to buy something and you just can't find what you're looking for. Being in a small town means not having a lot of places to look either.  
I was looking forward to this birthday last year. Now after the long awful winter, it just doesn't feel like anything special.
Maybe hubby will make it home, our friends' daughter will feel better and we'll actually make it out for dinner. I can hope right?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I missed you

I got the job. You remember, that one you told me years ago to go for. You would have cheered me on when I got the temporary position and harassed me about taking so long to make up my mind. "See, you were meant for this. " I can hear you say with a big smile in your voice. I miss you.

The snow is gone. We should be talking flowers, how did your perennials do and what are you planting this year. I miss you.

At Easter I watched my sister-in-law do the dishes with her sister and friend and realized that used to be us. We were the ones who always did the dishes after the big family meals. Taking a few moments together in your aunt's tiny kitchen to do the dishes, talk about family, our lives and the mundane things. Those moments surrounded by the hustle and murmur of a well fed extended family ( including those we'd adopted as family.) It struck me then how much I missed you. 

This will never go away. I know it will get easier but for now...I miss you.