

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just Keep Moving

So we're still in our temporary location, 18 months or so. The library has been delayed for a variety of reasons, none of which are under our control. We get a lot of visitors and members asking us when the library will be done and we can only give them what we know. Of course we also hear things off the record that remind us not to hold our breath.
On the last Sunday in January there was a fire in the zamboni room in the arena. This is just outside our temporary space under the bleachers. The fire was quickly detected and put out, but not before some severe damage was done. While the library area was lucky not to have any noticeable damage we are still affected by the restoration work in the arena.
We have had our ducts cleaned, the chairs cleaned and every shelf wiped down. (The non fiction section will eventually get put back in order.) Now they're replacing all the ceiling tiles. Of course they took them all down BEFORE they put up plastic to protect the books and recently cleaned furniture from possibly contaminated particulate matter. I know I shouldn't bitch, but that seemed like a backwards move to me.
To make matters worse the furnace for our area broke down and the required part will be 2 to 3 weeks getting here. We're supplementing with space heaters, although that can get tricky as certain ones pull too much power and end up throwing a breaker.
I have no idea how my boss is remaining so calm about this. I was luck and missed the nauseating, headache producing fumes from right after the fire. I've missed the coldest days in the library. All of this was happening during an extremely cold period (-30C anyone?) I've even missed the demolition of the ceiling. She hasn't. A lesser person would have closed the library and waited it out. Unfortunately we've lost business being in our out-of-the-way temporary location. Being closed for anything less than a complete gut job has been out of the question. So we continue on.

On the funny side I was reminiscing with a colleague about the "old days" in the library (currently being renovated and expanded) when it would regularly be below 12C during the winter. How soft we've become lol.

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