

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


It was a fantastic walk home from work tonight. The snow had stopped and there was no wind. Everything was frosted with heavy snow, resembling a fantasy world. I only had my phone with me so no pictures could do it justice. Even so it was good for my soul.


Winter has hit hard. We've received
over 20 cm of snow in the last 2 days. I try to keep the front & back steps cleared at all times. Which has meant hourly sweepings. Right now the temperature is 0C so the snow is heavy.
Outside it looks lovely. Very Christmasy. Or heavily iced (like a cake) depending on your mood.

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Monday...

The last week has been very productive both at work and at home. Unfortunately personal things like posting seem to belong to a third less defined space that sort of overlaps both but not really. I even took an unplanned "no internet" day yesterday. To make up for that I have 2 pictures for today. the first is how my day started, with the cat drinking out of my cup as I went to let the dog out. It didn't bother him at all that I was standing right there.

The second is one of many shots taken when a huge flock of birds plundered the tree outside my kitchen window. Only one hit my window in the 20 minutes they were there.

Friday, November 18, 2011


It was beautiful this morning as I walked to work. Unfortunately it was -17C with a windchill. There was no way I was stopping to take a picture. Instead I took a picture of the mountains as I was leaving work. The sun was setting already.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Happens to be the one thing I don't photograph. Yet it is a very important part of our lives. Food is not just nutrients for our bodies. It is a way for us to show how we feel about others. It's a way of caring for others too.
Our family members have a number of food allergies and sensitivities. Each person is different which can make meal times a bit of a challenge. When I cook, I tend to pick something everyone can eat. Hubby picks something he feels like making, then happily makes different versions. Since we take turns cooking it makes for a good balance of meals.
Tonight it meant pork chops done several ways and oven roasted veggies. Thanks honey, it was great.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Simple Request

Hubby asked one thing of me last night while we were watching our shows. He wanted me to put down my phone and "be with him" while we watched tv.
When you've been married this long how can you say no?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Catching Up

I have several podcasts that I listen to regularly. Sundays is the day I catch up on the podcasts that I haven't listened to yet. One of these is This Week In Tech with Leo Laporte. Interesting and funny, what more could you ask for? Today I'm lucky enough to be listening to it live which is giving me a lot of laughs. I would recommend this as a great podcast for someone just starting to follow podcasts, especially for those interested in technology.

So in honour of TWIT I've included a screenshot as my pic today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Skill Building

And time management are 2 things I'm going to have to work on this winter. This self challenge (to post a blog entry and pic everyday) has highlighted that fact very well. Apparently I don't know how to use my devices as well as I thought (missing posts). The way whole days disappear with out things getting done is a little troubling. I know I used to accomplish more when the boys were little (read that as "when I was younger" :-/) Or may be I'm just not stressing about getting stuff done that isn't essential. (Let's go with that)

I'd add a picture from today but the frozen snow/rain mix on everything just isn't as pretty.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dad's Birthday

Yesterday was my father-in-law's birthday. My sister-in-law took the initiative making both dinner for the extended family and the cake.
She is a fantastic cook and I'm sorry I was at work.
As the mother of a one year old she has been spending a lot of time on parenting websites. She discovered this cake and KNEW she had to make it for Dad's birthday.
Too cute!

What the Heck?

I posted on Tuesday from my Ipod Touch. Yesterday went to heck in a handbasket so I didn't end up posting. Now I see that Tuesday's post has disappeared. :(
Technology... helpful, when it WORKS.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On the Road

On our way back from grocery shopping (small town Canada means traveling occasionally for choices) there was this terrific light going on. It was mainly cloudy and in certain spots quite dusty. The sun would break through with some cool effects.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not again...

I'll cut myself some slack for missing yesterday's post. By the time I got home from work I had a monster of a headache and wasn't up to thinking, let alone anything else. Unfortunately it was still hanging on this morning. Hope to lose it soon. In the meantime I'm going out in the cold (-10C) with hubby to take the dog out. Now if he would only hurry up and get ready...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Did It!!!!

Dragon rules the house. Even at 11 years of age he's still in his prime. Given his penchant for disaster we should have named him Chaos.

Bad Start

I didn't post yesterday. How's that for a bad start? It wasn't as if I forgot, I thought about it multiple times, even took several pics as ideas for the post.
I just didn't get it done ( hangs head in shame ). That means I'll be posting twice today. (hopefully :/)
As mentioned this shot was taken yesterday. Taken with my IPod Touch & with some finishing work in my Photoshop app. As you can see winter is working it's way down the mountains.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Challenge

There are so many writing challenges this month I thought I'd take the plunge and try writing a blog post every day of November. I could join the National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) over at Instead I thought I'd create a slightly different challenge for myself. Inspired by the 365 project where you take a picture every day for a year, I thought I'd combine the two. Each day I'll post a picture and a post.
To prepare I loaded the blogger app on my Ipod Touch. I find I like the pictures I take on it better than my Blackberry and I don't usually carry my big camera (Canon Powershot S2 IS) with me.
The shot was taken on a walk with my hubby and dog a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful day and this was only 1 of the shots I was very happy to take.