

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


After the craziness of the last few weeks, we are starting to return to normal around here.

I'm sitting enjoying the peace and quiet. I like this time of year, it's only me and the pets up early in the morning. Oh, the sun has broken through the clouds, giving us a brief glimpse of "real" summer weather. (It's been grey, cool and rainy a lot this month.) Can you tell I'm desperate for some good weather?

The mail strike is over and one of the first things we received was youngest son's last 2 marked correspondence workbooks. Of course he has already done the course final exam and the diploma exam. If he passes both his diploma exams he will graduate high school. After 6 years of homeschooling and correspondence I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we're done. It's a milestone not only for him but for the family.

Youngest son continually amazes me. Over the last few years he has been the "go-to" person for the extended family. He has dog sat, house sat, assisted relatives when they have been ill or injured and generally been the person to call if you needed assistance. Monday he went out to check the employment scene here in town. I assumed he would be collecting application forms and places that he could apply. He was scruffy and disheveled, I have seen him look better for a rugby game. So what happens? The second place he goes to, he gets hired and started that evening. I hope he works hard.

Well it looks like the peace and quiet is over. I'd better get on with my day.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Roller Coaster Week

I expected it to be an emotional week.
My mother left after a 10 day visit. Youngest son had diploma exams (and boy did the stress level go through the roof). Eldest son celebrated his 20th birthday.

But the kick in the teeth has been the death of one of the boys' cousins in a vehicle accident. She was on her way to a get-together after being at the dentist when she rolled her vehicle. She was NOT wearing her seatbelt and was thrown from the vehicle.

For the boys it has been hard because this is the first death of a family member of their age (she was the same age as youngest son). My eldest has been struggling with his grief. He is a deep thinker and this has brought up feelings and fears he is working through. It will be hard for him, his birthday has now become the anniversary of his cousin's death. My youngest seems to be handling it. He is worried about everyone else right now. I have a feeling it will be later that he will want to talk about it.

The funeral will be in her home town near Edmonton and I have given the boys the choice of attending or not. This will not be the first funeral they have attended so they know what to expect. It makes me sad to think that the boys have experienced more funerals than weddings and births.

Having a large extended family has advantages in cases like this. Memories to share, comfort to give and accept are all part of the grieving process. Emotional support is readily available as well as distractions from your grief. Sometimes a look is all you need to know you are not alone.

It will be a while before things return to normal.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thinking about Writing

I've come to the conclusion that just going through the process of mentally drafting blog or Twitter posts is therapeutic for me. The mental processes help me deal with things that I'm wrestling with. Often by the time I'm done, I don't feel the need to post. Which is great for my mental health, but it also means I don't have much on my blog or Twitter feed as I might.

It's Done

My youngest son participated in the local high school's graduation exercises recently. After almost missing his opportunity by not having his correspondence courses done in time, he pulled it together and managed get both courses finished. He had a great time dressing up and being on stage with the other grads. The formal dinner was great and he managed to get a limo ride (limos are very rare in our small town) with his friends before the after party.
My mother was here from Ontario and she really enjoyed all the pomp and circumstance.

Now, of course, he has to pass his diploma exams.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


How did I miss that? It's been a year since I started this blog. Wow, where DID the time go?

I'm Back!

Maybe, sort of...
The last few months have been crazy busy, mostly with family stuff. I'm hoping to get some of the thoughts rolling around in my head out in blog posts soon, it's getting crowded in there. :-)