

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A week in review or

Is it over?
Our eldest some was home for about 5 days. I say "about" because he arrived Monday evening and was gone by lunchtime on Saturday. The purpose of his visit was to see family and enjoy Canada Day here at home. He did visit almost all the family members and saw the friends he wanted to. On Canada  Day I ran into some old school friends of eldest' that he hadn't seen in a few years. I sent the other to get him and they ended up spending two days visiting. 

The BBQ on the other hand didn't work out. We moved it to our house because we weren't sure hubby would be home to drive. [neither eldest or I drive] None of the people invited came over, no messages either :-(  which I thought rude. He was becoming quite bummed when one of his old friends showed up. We fed him and they sat in the back talking for hours. It turned the evening around for him. 

Canada Day for me went well. Youngest helped me set up for the family friendly activities and hubby helped us take down. We got more volunteers then I was expecting and more kids/families then I was expecting too. Overall a great first time experience. Although my legs hurt the next day from walking up and down the hill in flipflops. 

I took Friday off to spend some time with Eldest. Hubby happened to be home too which made it extra good. On Saturday we were able to meet Eldest's coworker and his family, when they came up to pickup Eldest and the bike he was giving them. They made it a day trip and I am thankful we were able to spend a few moments with them before they turned around to go back. They are a lovely family and it's good to see Eldest has some solid friends there. 

Now things are returning to normal. The pets are roaming around looking for Eldest but they adjust. The laundry is on, the dishes are next. Leftovers wil be eaten today. The week is done.

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