

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The End

The end comes near
I say goodbye
To the one whose heart
Made me sing and fly.
Smile for me
Laugh and enjoy the sun
Think of us
When the time is done.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


When a parent is dying it can be hard knowing what to tell a child. It can be hard deciding what, how and when to have these difficult conversations. The age and emotional maturity of the child also must be taken into consideration. Then you need to pick the right place, home or the hospital, alone or with family/friends around. You need to rehearse what you will say, be prepared for possible questions and reactions. 
When you're part of the extended family/friends circle you don't always know what to say or do. Kids can say what they're thinking at any moment. Sometimes they just need someone to be "normal" with. 
Sometimes they just ned to be quiet with someone. 
In the end all you can do is be there, letting them know there is someone who cares and will be there to help.

Monday, February 9, 2015


The walk home from work seems to be a good time for me to think. The problem is not taking the time to write down, dictate or other wise get these thoughts down so I don't forget them. So today, hours later I'm going to try.

At the board meeting today one of the board members asked if I thought we were doing more outreach programming because we were still in the temp location then we might otherwise do. ( we were going over the year end report at the time) I didn't think much about it at the time because of course we were doing more outreach programming because the temp location is too small for some of the things we do. But the more I think about it the more I think the number of programs we are doing in outreach has more to do with the requests of our patrons have made. The adult movie matinee is one of those. It works better in the cozy room of the seniors lounge. I'm not sure we could duplicate the environment in a meeting room. Open Mic Poetry Night is another program that works because of the location at the Snowdome Coffee Bar. 

There is a trend in libraries to do more outreach programming. It helps us reach people, organizations etc. that we might not reach otherwise. It also changes the public's perception of the library as a walled garden. We ned the public to see us as a partner in the community, a supporter of a healthy and vibrant town.

We're going to need to work hard to bring up our visibility in the community. Programming in the library and outreach will help.