

Friday, October 11, 2013

Make It Stop!

There are weeks, and there are weeks. This has been one of THOSE weeks. Hubby & I are both one holidays right now. So we went away for a few days just to get out of town. While we were away we received an email from our Internet service provider that our IP address had been reported for malicious activity. Great. We contacted our eldest son and sent him to check what was going on. 
We are a geeky household so we have a lot of Internet connected computers  and devices. He found some viruses on our youngest son's computer and dealt with them. 
In the meantime we also received an email from Adobe that our account with them had been compromised (which it turns out is true). So how do we spend the first 24 hours once we recent home? We do updates, scans and change ALL passwords. On top of that my laptop has started telling my that the battery is going. :( 
So we deal with all this and things seem under control. I get up this morning thinking it will be a low key day where I can get caught up on homework for the MOOC I'm involved. Instead I get an unpleasant surprise when I put the dog out...the shed door is open and the winter tires are gone!  Trying not to panic, I go and wake my husband and find out he had left the shed door open when he took the tires. I knew he was having the truck's oil changed etc. he didn't mention he was having the winter tires put on too. Then to top it off, I'm doing my regular morning wipe downs (flu season has started here) and I accidentally hit the Emergancy button on the phone which calls 911! Of course I don't notice until I hear someone talking! Good going Ang. On top it off, when I get panicky I lose all ability it talk clearly. So all I can do is repeat "sorry, sorry, I hit a button" . Yep, really clear and precise.
It is now 9:30am. What else could possibly go wrong now?