

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Reading List

Through out the week as I check my RSS feeds, Twitter and travel down various internet paths I build a reading list for Sunday (happens to be my "day off", you know other than the laundry, dishes, cleaning etc.) These links are for things I didn't get a chance to check out, things I want to read/see again, or things that link to other things I think might be of interest. I've noticed that this list is growing longer and longer as the weeks go by. So long in fact that I don't think I'll have time to go through all of this week's list.
Which makes me ask how can anyone possibly think using computers and the internet means you read less?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time for a cuppa

It used to be that sitting down for a cup of tea meant I was reading, writing or relaxing. Now I've noticed that cup of tea is a pick-me-up, keep-going, on-the-run drink.

Surprisingly, my stress level isn't up. Time management may play a part but ultimately I think it has come down "bad" habits. I've let "multi-tasking" creep into too many areas of my life. 
Sure doing the laundry, the dishes and making supper at the same time is possible, even desirable. It has to be balanced, however, with those times of singular focus.

As a parent, I feel a need to be able to successfully model that behaviour so my boys will learn to incorporate that into their lives. By including it in my life, it makes striking a balance as a couple easier for my husband and I. Even in the work place, my striving for balance can positively influence my coworkers, our members and the environment as a whole.

Forgetting to look and think about that balance frequently, allows me to slip into some "bad" habits. Just like we need to pay attention to diet and exercise, we need to pay attention to balance.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Aching Shoulders...

Year end report is finally done. I wish I had finished writing before I did all that shovelling. My arms hurt :(

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Has Begun

Yesterday was the first day of 2011. It was a relaxing, lazy & thoroughly enjoyable day.
Yes, I did get up at 8am to feed the pets and let the dog out. Yes, I did do the expected long distance phone calls to various family members. And yes, I did do dishes and 4 loads of laundry.

I also stayed in my pjs all day. I spent enough time on my new video game to achieve 2 major objectives. I did not cook any meals. I had chocolate for breakfast :) I spent the day just hanging out with my family. I also did a lot of reading (my favourite activity).

And I pondered... about objectives, words, and focus. What will 2011 bring?