

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is it really...

the end of November?

The boss has been away, so I've been "in charge." Other than the power going out, the temperature dropping to -32C & the library furnace not being able to cope, it's been okay.

Of course I'm now getting sick.

My sister-in-law  is recovering from her exploratory surgery earlier this month. The surgeon found some issues that he fixed, hoping that it would make her feel better. Initially things looked good but now... I hope that she and my brother can get through this.

Our niece is almost 2 months old now and is growing like a weed. I love spending time with her, which I try to do once a week. I can't wait until she's crawling, her parents won't know what hit them. LOL

Tomorrow is our local Moonlight Madness. Hubby and I will be starting our Christmas shopping. I guess that means i should make a list.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life Long Learning

I've been reading a number of blog and Twitter posts on life long learning lately. I'm not sure everyone is talking about the same thing. I think we've lost meaning by the use of labels/terms/language. We've become lost in educationese and buzzwords.
And I'm one of the culprits. Here on my blog and in my Twitter profile I speak of a love of life long learning. But I have unconsciously fallen into a trap. The trap of believing that everyone who uses that term is coming from the same type of background and perspective.
To me, the term is a large one. It's not limited to certain areas of your life, to certain skill sets, or to accomplish something. To me the term refers to life.
My grandmother use to say "if you're breathing, you're learning." Every breathe, every thought, every action means you are learning something. As a society we have isolated learning through barriers of language.
So instead of the question 'what did you learn today?", perhaps we should be asking 'have you lived today?"