

Monday, November 18, 2013

It's Time say goodbye. T had a great summer but since then she's experienced a slow decline. She no longer grooms herself. There have been symptoms of dementia and her vision in low light situations is not good. The vet says she has signs of cataracts & possible retinal damage. Her arthritis has even kept her from the couch. She's been chewing on her front paw & will not let it heal. She experiences little pain with it which makes the vet suspect something else is going on. Our vet has been very good. She could see I wasn't ready to say good bye today so gave her an antibiotic to keep the paw from getting worse. But let me know that she was on that last slide. We have an appointment in 10 days so we'll all have time to say goodbye. 
It is just over two years since our dog Misty died. She and Tiger were a team & I know Tiger mourned her terribly when she passed. We have another cat and dog left. I'm not sure how they will act when Tiger is gone. 
As for me, I know I'll mourn long and hard. I've had Tiger for 18 years, almost as long as my kids. She's always been Momma Kitty, taking care of everyone, even the other pets. She's been my shadow for a long time. I'll miss her greatly.